Friday 27 January 2012

Late night texts

So in the last 2 nights I have got a text from the same guy at exactly the same time asking if I was out. I then proceed to log onto Facebook and the same guy that had blocked me before so I in effect didn't exist on Facebook to him and vice versa has then unblocked me and added me as a friend. 

And the one question in my head is why now? 

I say why now because if it had been 2 or 3 weeks ago it would have been fine but now I am on a resolve of no men no men no men!!! And it's been going stupidly well so the last thing I need is for my eye to be taken off the prize (so as they say). I won't say that I don't feel temptation but it doesn't mean that I actually want anything to happen. 

No I made a resolve and I will try and do anything to stick to that - the only problem is when I get a bit of alcohol it becomes a different story and there's potential of a night out tomorrow so only then will it tell just how good my resolve is. I won't lie he'll probably get a cheeky text - who doesn't do that when they are drunk? But just a cheeky text!!! 

Wednesday 25 January 2012


I definitely think this blog is quite tired looking and well a bit boring so some serious updating needs to be done. I am going to take loads of photos and upload to give an insight into "How not boring" my life supposedly is! That will be in between the awful amount of uni work I suddenly realised I have to do today!!! It's going to be a long 2 weeks!!!

x Loves and Hugs x

Tuesday 24 January 2012

I am starting to kick terribly out of control shopping addiction! I have finally realised that I desperately need to stop spending and more importantly stop filling my room(s) with things I don't need. 

Day one - Today - I bought 2 items but I also took 3 items back so really that counts to me as not actually buying anything. I have a type of logic in that. I will keep you updated on this mission accordingly. 

Saturday 21 January 2012

New times

This is the week that I start to plan and put the plans into motion.
By the end of the week I will have achieved something of a plan of action - it may not be perfect but it will exist.
I will have sectioned my life into areas to help me achieve best.
This will be done this week. 
The new times start today - Sunday 22nd January 2012!

Friday 13 January 2012

And so the out of control drinking and spending binges have come to a head! Time to reflect and learn.

So I get my loan through and the first thing I do is go on an absolute shopping binge and decide that getting totally drunk and missing an important lesson as well as realising I have sent some truly awful and cringe worthy texts have then I have again completely made a fool of myself. Factor in I literally have hardly any money left and that really literally just sums up how this week has panned out. 

SO I have planned an intervention for myself. I am going to have a January clear out of my wardrobe, emotions and everything else that your able to clear out of your life. I am literally going to be driving myself bankrupt and round the bend if I am not careful so it's definitely important that I realise it needs to be done now whilst I think about it. I definitely need to change the things that are becoming too much for me before I allow my lifestyle to completely take over my life and break me down!

However I am not going to do that and for once get my act into shape and take responsibility for my actions that I haven't done before because then at least I can start a proper clean slate and let myself enjoy what I do and can in life without restrictions. 

Saturday 7 January 2012

Thinking Time

After a visit to the dentist this week it has meant that I have been in a lot of pain which for me equals being unbelieveably lazy and basically being a slob i.e I haven't washed my hair in 5 days or showered in 2 days but I do have the excuse that my teeth have been causing me stupid amounts of pain! But on the plus side of all this lazing about it has meant that I have done a lot of thinking about exactly what direction I want my life to go in this year and although there isn't a defined plan or answer to this question for me - my gut feeling/reaction when I think about it is that as long as this year is more structured and successful than last year then I will be happy.

I have been thinking of 2012 and hoping I can make it better than 2011 but it's not so much making it better but for me making sure I have goals, as this is something that I actually rarely if ever have. This is just a quick thought of the day but I will write no doubt again about what I want to happen in 2012 but this was just a little post so that it means I keep up with regularly posting as I promised.

 x loves n hugs x

Thursday 5 January 2012


This is my very first post on my brand new blog and I am extrememly excited about the creation of it!!! In the past I have created many different blogs and twitters and everything but I've never really stuck at blogging in the past however I have made a New Years Resolution that I am going to create a blog and stick to regularly posting update - I'm really determined to stick to it this year as well by posting at least 2 or 3 times a week.
As you may have gathered from the title of my blog - I love Mulberry and I am determined that 2012 will be the year that I finally manage to buy myself my very own Mulberry bag! And in case you were wondering the first one I purchase just has to be the Bayswater - it really couldn't be any other!
So I hope you enjoy my blog and my postings and I really am determined that 2012 is the year that Mulberry (and life generally) comes before men. Who needs men when there's fashion? And as you many have guessed (or not) I am very much someone who is single for 2012!
Bring on Mulberry!!!

x Loves n hugs x